Monday, November 16, 2015

#Acts29Dallas highlights...


Here are some of the best quotes from our days in Dallas at the Acts 29-Healthy Leaders Conference...

"When we realize we are more sinful than we know, the more compassion we have for others."  Amie Patrick

"The more we experience forgiveness and freedom, the more we want it for others."  Amie Patrick

"Don't see opposition as an out.  See opposition as an opportunity to preach the gospel."  Doug Logan

"Do we say mission more than we do mission?"  Doug Logan

"Follow Jesus in such a way that you wear out, not rust out."  Doug Logan

"God's mission will be accomplished with or without you, but you are being called to participate."  Doug Logan

"You cannot be more forgiven than you are right now."  Scotty Smith

"You cannot be more loved than you are right now."  Scotty Smith

"The gospel is not about getting over things, but growing through them."  Scotty Smith

"You will never regret knowing and loving your children better than your parents knew you."  Scotty Smith

"Before we speak, we should let Him speak."  (go to scripture)  Steve Timmis

"Whoever it is about, it is not about me.  In Christ, I am called to be a lover of God and others, not a lover of self."  Steve Timmis

"In all our joys, Jesus is better.  In all our sorrows, Christ is enough."  Steve Timmis

"Our sin will affect our communion with God, but it does not eradicate our union with God."  Steven Um

"Speaking of money, we (our church) say no to a lot of things so we that we can say yes to church planting."  Rob Tobias

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