Getting in the Trenches
It is an honor and privilege to get in the trenches of life with people who regularly sacrifice for the sake of Jesus and His gospel.
A few weeks ago, a small team of ministry friends went to the Dominican Republic to work with a group of village pastors. These pastors aren't rich, do not lead large churches, lack formal education, and are often overlooked. However, God is using them to advance the gospel among the poorest of the poor in Haitian villages of the Dominican Republic.
I spent five days with three other pastors from the States training these amazing people. Our theme was "More than a Preacher". In other words, we focused on the Great Commission of Jesus regarding "making disciples". The mission of Christ was not primarily centered on conversions; rather it was rooted in the idea of "teaching people to observe all that [Jesus] commanded" while "equip[ping] the saints for the work of ministry" (Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:1-16). All this is for the glory of Christ, love of God, and love of people.
The Gospel Coalition has made great theological resources available in Spanish for free (plus shipping). Such resources are very difficult to come by in the D.R. As pictured above, they were happy to receive these beneficial books!
I am grateful the church I pastor, Advance Community Church, tangibly supports mission work in the Dominican Republic. We are also blessed to be serving (directly and indirectly) alongside the ministries of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Meeting God in Missions, Del Rey Ministries, The Christian & Missionary Alliance, Surgeons for Sight, Lancaster Christian Academy, and many others.
If you would like to help us better serve the pastors and people of the Dominican Republic, please consider supporting this missions ministry as we bring teams, supply clean water, build bathrooms, provide medical services, serve in the public and private schools, develop empowering relationships, and advance the gospel.
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