I am the husband of my best friend, Heather, and the father of five wonderful daughters ranging in age from 2-9. I am a child of God and have placed my faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Over the past few year, God has been orchestrating some incredible things in my life and in the lives of some of my friends.
This blog will shed some light into what God has been revealing. It is my desire for God to receive great glory through this blog and through the network of churches He is stirring for an amazing revival in Gibsonia and the entire Pittsburgh region.
Theory to Reality...
I enjoy learning and applying what I've learned. To me, that's the reality of true knowledge - actually applying what we've learned. If something is never applied and tested, it really isn't something we can claim to "know". In other words, it is just a theory unless it's implemented.
I read and study to grow and be stretched. Some of the books I have been studying lately are:
- Radical by David Platt
- Multiply by Francis Chan
- Launch by Nelson Searcy
- Planting Missional Churches by Ed Stetzer
- The Externally Focused Quest by Swanson & Rusaw
- The Up the Middle Church by Matt Keller
- Vertical Church by James MacDonald
- Center Church by Timothy Keller
- The Unchurched Next Door by Thom Rainer
- Church Planter by Darrin Patrick
- The Book of Acts by Luke
All of these have impacted my thoughts of the nature and calling of Christ's church. In general, the American church has drifted into calm waters of status quo and complacency. Clearly, there are some exceptions. However, exceptions do not equal "the norm".
Yet, the number of churches in America is rapidly shrinking. According to the North American Mission Board, in 1900 there were 28 churches for every 10,000 Americans; however there were only 11 churches for every 10,000 Americans in 2004. Additionally, the Spirit uses new churches on average to win more people to Jesus than established churches. "Churches under three years of age win an average of ten people to Christ per year for every hundred church members" while "churches over fifteen years of age win an average of three people per year for every hundred church members" (Stetzer, Planting Missional Churches).
I am totally in favor of and participate in international mission opportunities, because people all over the world need Jesus. However, the following stats are frightening! According to George Hunter, "the United Stated is the largest mission field in the Western Hemisphere" and "the fifth largest mission field on earth". Stetzer writes, "the spiritual deadness of North America appears not only in its culture but in its churches as well". 80-85% of American churches are on the downside of their life cycle. 3,500-4,000 churches close each year in America while approximately 1,500 new churches will open.
What will it take for the American church to wake up?
A fresh revival! May it start with me, with us, right here, right now!