Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Grateful for Compassionate and Generous People

I recently received an email from friends in the Dominican Republic. It contained pictures of a restroom project we began in February of 2015. I would like to share them with you here. The project was made possible through the compassion and generosity of people who wanted to make a difference among the poor.

The church I pastor (Advance Community Church in Gibsonia, PA) is actively involved in helping plant a church in a village where close to 80 families lived without running water and without restrooms. They now have running water and several restrooms.

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has appointed me to bring good news to the poor..." Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18

Thursday, April 2, 2015

3 Ways to Grow this Good Friday

Good Friday is a great day for spiritual growth. Jesus Christ suffered the wrath of sin for the salvation of all who believe. He did this out of love for His Father and love for the sinful world - including you and me

The church I pastor is called Advance Community Church. We are not gathering for a Good Friday service this year. Instead, it is our desire for people to do these 3 things throughout the course of the day - individually or as a family.

     a) Reflect on the following Scriptures: 
          Isaiah 53:3-6, John 3:16-21Romans 5:6-10, 1 Corinthians 1:18, Philippians 2:1-11 
     b) Spend at least 5 minutes in prayer asking God to reveal these passages to you in a fresh manner. (You may need to read them again!)

     c) Ask God to forgive you for any part of Jesus' sacrifice you've taken for granted

     d) Be thankful for the grace given to you through Jesus Christ 

     Listen to this playlist of worship.

     Faith in Jesus Christ is not meant to be secret. The Apostle Paul described Christians as "ambassadors for Christ". Look at what he said for yourself - 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. Ask God for at least one opportunity this weekend to mention the good news of Jesus to someone you know (friend, neighbor, co-worker, etc.). Share, or re-share, your story of faith to people within your family - parents, siblings, and/or children.

May the peace and power of God shape our soul as we grow this weekend. ...all for the glory of Jesus Christ.