I have been a Christian for much of my life. Yet, making disciples was never taught as being a primary responsibility of believers. Last night, we dedicated a worship service to this commission of Jesus. You can watch the message here.
Here are 5 resources about making disciples:
1. Multiply Movement - Francis Chan and David Platt have teamed up to help the church grow in faith and application. The resources on this site are easy to navigate and effective in showing us where to start.
2. Life with Mission vs. Life on Mission - Caesar Kalinowski shares the secret to living a life on mission and discipleship. This video is only 2 minutes long, but it is very helpful. For more great resources, check out Verge Network.
3. Disciplemaking: the Heart of it All - Jeff Vanderstelt shares how we already know how to make disciples, but we aren't intentional in applying it in pointing people to Jesus.
4. On Mission with Your Children - In this article, John Murchison says, "To be on mission, families don't need a shift in activity, but a shift in identity". It is important for Christian families to model faith at home throughout all family-stages so that the gospel is branded on children's hearts.
5. Ordinary People - This is a series of 29 videos including videos on being missional as a mom, parent, single, older adult, etc. In this example, Josh Boyt shares what he has learned as an entrepreneur, seeking to develop businesses that unlock the resources of the world for the good of the Kingdom.